Thursday, February 23, 2012


The Philosophical Foundation of Heroism beings by expressing the numerous kinds of heroes and villains we have in this world. That all can depend on ones liking and also depends on what one thinks is the definition of heroism and what depicts that from villainy. In the many different ways heroes and villains are portrayed to people is through movies, comics, television shows and much more. With this being the case, there is an array of different opinions that could go towards a specific character or create a liking/disliking for someone. When looking up the definitions of heroism in the dictionary one of the main topics the definitions focus on are the physical and predominate characteristics in a hero or villain. Like in the reading, I agree that heroism is defined by our individual morals as a person and the way we perceive certain things. Some might not understand your specific reasoning as to why you think a certain person or character is a hero or villain but that is the only way that it can be established. There are also many different attributions that we look at to define heroism and the level of strength. Some of the other main characteristics that a hero should have are knowledge, physical and mental power, morals, and many other characteristics. Above all I think one of the main qualities that should be in a hero is courage. By having this courage it portrays to all of the little children that admire such a character as a hero and they can one day try and be a hero in their own special way!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Chapter 5 response

Telegraphy began the ages of technology. Although we think now it isn’t up to technology compared to today but back then it was very important. The discourse of telegraphy began the stages of “broken time and broken attention.” (Lewis Mumford) In the reading it expresses the telegraphs initial hope was to bring about a form to technology to transport information. Now a day we take the new and improving technology and mold the information we receive to form media. With this altercation of technology that I think is what is causing the misuse of it today. Also throughout the chapter there are many different forms expressed that also portray the language of communication. Forms like, photography, books, and many more can speak in many different forms. With the combination of photograph and telegraph came films. This sparked a whole new array of technology that is still growing today. This is where the title of the chapter ties in, Peek-a-Boo!! Like the child’s game of peek-a-boo, television and film brought about a form of entertainment that is endlessly entertaining. With the advances of television and movies, it put off a sense of a core social universe. This universe that everyone thinks they should occupy. By this thinking, that gives people a mindset that they are never satisfied and always want more. Even though it is unrealistic and on television that is still what people think. 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Amusing Ourselves to Death (Ch. 1)

“Amusing Ourselves to Death” is the title of the book and I think it also is a great focal point for the first chapter. Throughout the world we live in there are metaphors all around us that cause us to be easily amused. We might not notice it but this is true. Anything from the billboards of Las Vegas to the Statue of Liberty in New York, our nation is full of objects that have many in depth meanings. There is always that perfect stature that everyone wants to accomplish to become successful. People with better camera appeal tend to be more successful in todays society. There are also many techniques and technologies that shape the way we view our success in the world. We believe that success is equivalent to perfection. Speech is the core of communication and what creates human personality and the way we have such a divergent world. With this chapter as a whole I feel as if it is pin pointing the large and wide scale issues and complex thoughts of our society. Media also creates symbols that people relate to daily living. By the relation and perception of metaphors that the media uses, this creates conversation and the capability to use speech as our source of identity and opinion. With this explanation also comes the thought of metaphors and how they are present to represent many things in our everyday lives. Technology is also becoming dominate in our society. With this shift from writing and thinking, to everything being electronic, that will begin to form a new culture and way of thinking. 

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Facebook Is Making Us Miserable

In this reading, Facebook is Making Us Miserable; I was able to understand actuality of how much Facebook is affecting our lives. It has drastically grown worldwide and is continuing. One of the main points that this reading stated was that anytime throughout the day Facebook is accessible. I think with this capability that need and want to get on all the time is increased. Along with the easy access there is also a sense of identity and communication that cannot or is rarely portrayed in person. For example in person, someone can be very cocky and conceded because it is known that no one will say something to your face or there will not be any personal contact. There is that comfort zone that anyone can step out of on Facebook. With this being the case, and everyone’s friends on Facebook, I think this also is a reason why Facebook is consumed so often. In some cases Facebook can be very rewarding and helpful as well. Whether it is finding family that lives far away or friends that you haven't seen in many years, Facebook can bring back that connection. On the other hand, I think Facebook is making it easier for people to loose their people skills and ability to carry on a face-to-face conversation successfully. Like in the reading, I think this flaw that people are developing with new technology can be hurtful in the success of someone’s future.  With that being said, Facebook is helpful and can be a hassle at the same time.