Tuesday, May 1, 2012

1984 post

1984 begins with the reader being introduced into the life of Winston Smith. The Party and their domination constantly surround Winston and are very controlling.  There is a moment in the beginning of the book that Winston is struggling to walk up the stairs of his apartment and glances up the wall and sees a poster on the landing of the stairs that says “BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU.” I think with this sudden distraction, there is a since of importance in this occurrence. Winston’s role in the Party is insignificant and it seems he tends to feel overpowered throughout his life. The poster has an importance to this part of the book simply because it points out the life that is lived in the nation, and that everywhere you look there is a constant reminder of power and control. Throughout the selected reading there are many instances that can be pen-pointed with control. For example when Winston wanted to write in his journal, there were many thoughts that went through his mind before he actually began his own personal thoughts. The fear and anxiety that powered over Winston after the instance with the journal writing provides another example of power that the Party has over the people. There is immediate guilt and fear when these things happened. There are also many reoccurrences of Winston’s past. This is important because it explains how the motivation and control that the Party has had on his life is causing him to vaguely remember the times before the Party came to power. 


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