Monday, March 26, 2012

Population Article

Leeuwenhoek seemed to be a very interesting person. Just from the first few paragraphs his work and study ethic seemed to be intensive. Having five children his perk of curiosity of humans and how many of us there are is understandable. The microscope that he created took him into a whole new world of research and findings. The “animalcules” that he found gave him the opportunity to find the amount of people that live on earth. Along with these findings he could come up with a number of people that no one had ever known before. There were a few consensus’ before but very few. This finding was the start of many years of a rapidly growing population. With the population still growing very rapidly there are many things that are being negatively affected by it. With the increase in population there are many predictions of what we could be facing in the years to come. With this scare many people are trying to find different proposals to fix this problem.  One of the main and most important solutions is to get people out of poverty. The article believes that is the central challenge for the future of people. 

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Although it might be difficult, I think I am going to do Catwoman as my character. I believe that she can be considered a hero with many different physical and mental characteristics that she holds. Catwoman began with a very tragic childhood and ventured onto take care of her. With these rough circumstances Catwoman was then turning to crime and wrong doing which started her days in the spotlight of action. Batman then saved her from this wrongdoing and that is where she then became the infamous Catwoman. Sometimes she is alongside Batman fighting against others but then other times she could be partaking in things that would lessen her characteristics of a hero. With these contrasts, I think this is why it is hard to determine whether she is a hero or villain.

I believe that she is a hero. It was hard for me to come to a conclusion of what I thought she was because of the many uncertain things she partakes in. She represents a grey area in the eyes of a viewer when it comes to heroism and villainy. She became along side Batman when he saved her from continuous crime and his instant attraction was that she was almost like the girl version of him. He also didn’t know what to think of her stature; whether it is a hero or villain.  When I think of heroism I define it as a very abstract term. In our world there are so many different views of heroism and what someone with those certain characteristics would entail. I think I would define it in close regards to Bernstein’s definition. A hero is a person that carries certain powerful and higher-reigning characteristics that are used to protect others and is trained to fight in the face of danger.