Sunday, April 1, 2012

global over-population

“Global overpopulation is the real issue” by Boris Johnson brings forth many interesting perspectives on the thought of overpopulation and what the core problems are with it.  Towards the beginning of the reading is that the primary challenge for us as humans and living in this world is the actual reproduction of ourselves. This being said I think that he is trying to say that people are miss understanding the real or prominent reason for some of the problems that we face in our world. With global warming and the reduction of consumption being main problems that we face, they can’t be fixed unless people start to realize that the shocking amount of people that we have living on this earth, the consumers, is what is causing these issues. Then the reading goes on to explain that the political views and the un-educated outlooks are what is causing people to not realize these things. There are many restrictions put on this topic in the political world that is causing these subjects to never be brought up. In turn, if they are never brought up there will be no change in the overpopulation problem that we deal with today.